The Heart of Shakti

lies within each of us. We are a vibrant, eclectic community of individuals who recognize interconnectedness, believe in goodness, choose love first.

Our purpose for existence is simple: transformation as a way of life. Together, we sing the songs that call our spirits back- to remember and reclaim our true essence. This compels us to make a real difference in the world.

We commit to and are inspired by our vision of global villages that integrate beauty, infinite possibilities, heart & spirit.

Our way is to walk our talk, organically closing the gap between principle and practice. We do this by welcoming change, valuing friendships, taking risks, and creating lives with fun, passion and laughter. We practice presence, gratitude and forgiveness. We delight in relationships that are long term and mutually beneficial.

We are woven together by what we value. authenticity, faith, courage, integrity, commitment and service. We believe in the power of our real life choices, knowing that mundane actions can have the most far-reaching implications. We are dedicated to sustainability and the pursuit of social and environmental change. Our lifestyle embraces the needs of the present and the legacy of the future.

Shakti Rising is an alchemical journey wherein one’s own inner healing and service to the world join together. Our work actively promotes community well being, creating woman & child friendly societies that are safe, healthy, vibrant, diverse, sustainable and culturally alive. Our mission is to create social change by invoking transformation that empowers women to uncover, rediscover and reclaim their whole selves.

Our invitation for you is to join us.